Coming, Ongoing & Recent Events

Happening Soon...

LWVTV Board Meeting
February 12, 2025  5:45 PM
Zoom & Noel Wien Library
Email for a Zoom invitation

Board Meetings are generally held using Zoom on the second Wednesday of the month.  All members are welcome. Please email us for a Zoom invitation if you would like to attend.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

LWV of Alaska Board Meeting
February 17, 2025   5:45 PM

All members are welcome. Email for information.



Program Planning  Survey

LWV of Tanana Valley will be sending a survey to all local members to gather more information on our local positions and to understand what local activities members want to focus on over the next year. PLEASE take the few minutes it requires to help the Board plan the events and activities that are most important to you.

Information that was used for Program Planning this year can be found HERE.

Color photo of Dr, Latanya Sweeney

Let's Talk about Digital Threats to Democracy

Plans for February are underway

Join the LWV of Maine, Alaska and Colorado each month for this timely and informative series.

Visit the LWV of Maine to watch recordings of  the twenty conversations we have held with experts covering how the digital age is affecting our democracy.

Book Group 
August 2024 - July 2025
Next Book Group Meeting:
February 8

Date: Second Saturday of every month EXCEPT August and December

Location:   Noel Wien Public Library    10:00 AM  

Please contact Sue Keller to verify time and location.
Contact: Sue Keller
Pastel image of young girl reading a book.


  • AUG - No Meeting
  • SEPT - The Life and Times of Hannah Crafts, by Gregg Hecimovich
  • OCT - The Book of Hope:  A Survival Guide for Trying Times, by Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams
  • NOV - Gunfight: My Battle Against the Industry That Radicalized America, by Ryan Busse
  • DEC - No Meeting


  • JAN - The Heat Will Kill You First:  Life and Death on a Scorched Planet, by Jeff Goodell
  • FEB - The Adventure of English: A Biography of a Language, by Melvyn Bragg
  • MAR - any book about Eleanor Roosevelt (reader's choice)
  • APR -We Had a Little Real Estate Problem: The Unhearlded Story of Native Americans and Comedy, by Kliph Nesteroff
  • May - Poverty, by America, by Matthew Desmond
  • JUNE -  Select Books
  • JULY - The Undocumented Americans, by Karla Comejo Villacencio
Current Above and Past Below

Program Planning for 2025

January 23, 2025
Using Zoom

Although we'd planned a hybrid meeting with members gathering in-person at the IBEW multi-purpose room and other members joining using Zoom, the crazy rainy weather made it too dangerous to drive so we all met via Zoom.

We proposed recommendations for the LWV of the United 
States and the LWV of Alaska. We discussed priorities and the League's positions at the national, state and local levels. We also talked about the key activities that the local League should take on over the coming year. A survey will be sent to all local members to gather more information.

Local Area Alaska State Senate and House Candidate Forum

October 21, 2024
Live Broadcast by KUAC FM

The LWV of Tanana Valley, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and KUAC FM hosted a candidate forum for Senate Districts P and R, and House Districts 31 -36.

Originally planned for the Noel Wien Public Library auditorium and live broadcast by KUAC FM, bad weather and terrible road conditions caused the library to be closed. LWVTV and the candidates pivoted to a radio, live broadcast only format. Girl Scout Troop 187 was scheduled to be a major collaborator with the forum but with the closure of the library their in-person participation was not possible. Questions from the Girl Scouts and Kids Voting were included during the question period.

A recording of the forum can be found here at KUAC FM 89.9.


Municipal Election Candidate Forum

September 13, 2024
FNSB Mona Lisa Drexler Assembly Chambers and lIve Broadcast by KUAC FM

The LWV of Tanana Valley, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and KUAC FM hosted a candidate forum for borough mayor, borough assembly, borough school district, Fairbanks City Council and North Pole mayor.

A recording of the forum can be found here at KUAC FM 89.9.

Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

Tanana Valley State Fair

July 26 - August 4 , 2024

The Fair celebrated its 100th anniversary and the LWVTV staffed a booth in the Borealis Building for the whole, darn thing. Although our location was a little out of the way this time we had many visitors, offered voter registration, helped with address changes and polling locations,  information on absentee voting, had a quiz for kids to win some jelly beans and our strawpoll opportunity for anyone who came by.

Our annual straw poll saw nearly 500 fair visitors cast a ballot. As always, we encouraged voters to cast their ballot on all three 2024 elections:  the Primary on August 20, the Borough on October 1 and the General on November 5.  Posters had all the important dates and information.

Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

Golden Days Street Fair

July 20 , 2024
Downtown Fairbanks

LWVTV was there for the whole thing offering our usual voter information, voter registration, and encouraging people to vote.

There were vendors with various goods, services, and information, a variety of food trucks to satisfy every appetite, and on-stage entertainment from some of Fairbanks’ most talented music and dance groups.

Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

LWVTV 2nd Annual Summer Picnic

July 14, 2024
Pioneer Park Square Dance Pavilion

League friends and family gathered around a hot grill to enjoy conversation and a summer day. 
Mary and Ramon Galvan did all the organizing and the rest of us brought side dishes to share. Summer is a busy time but make sure to mark yor calendar for next year's fun event.

Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

Solstice Festival

June 22, 2024
Downtown Fairbanks

We were there with lots of other people! On a gorgeous, hot summer day we staffed a booth and did our usual work of registering voters, helping them change addresses and find their polling locations. Folks asked about ranked choice voting, the upcoming elections and our forums.


Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

Juneteenth Freedom Day

June 15, 2024
Allridge Park

 LWVTV continued our support honoring Juneteenth. We staffed a booth at the celebration and offered voter registration, address updating, how ranked-choice voting works and other voter information.

On June 19, 1865, nearly two years after President Abraham Lincoln emancipated enslaved Africans in America, Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas with news of freedom. More than 250,000 African Americans embraced freedom by executive decree in what became known as Juneteenth or Freedom Day. With the principles of self-determination, citizenship, and democracy magnifying their hopes and dreams, those Texans held fast to the promise of true liberty for all.

Visit the National Museum of African American History & Culture to learn more.

Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

LWV Tanana Valley
Annual Meeting

May 11, 2024
In-person at IBEW Meeting Room and Online

 All League members were invited to attend the LWVTV Annual Meeting and to celebrate 104 years of our national organization and the 60th anniversary of our local chapter this year. Our annual meeting is where we look back at our past year, elect officers and board members, approve our budget, and launch into a new year of voter education and civic engagement activities. We once again started our meeting with a delicious potluck and a fascinating speaker discussing human rights issues.

Check out the new Officers and Board

Download the 2023-2024 Annual Book

Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

Proposition A
Special Election Debate
Live Broadcast

April 30, 2024  7:00 PM
Broadcast by KUAC-FM 89.9
Re-Broadcast May 6, 2024 11:00 AM

"Shall the Fairbanks North Star Borough be authorized to increase its maximum
allowable tax revenue for areawide taxes by $10,000,000 to fund education? "

 In order to educate voters about the issue and to raise awareness of  this special May election, LWVTV and KUAC sponsored a live radio broadcast on Tuesday, April 30 at 7 PM on KUAC-FM 89.9 with speakers to address the Yes and No positions. The program was re-broadcast on the day before the election, Monday, May 6.



Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

A Community Conversation on Voting by Mail

April 26, 2024  
Murie Auditorium  and Broadcast by KUAC-FM 89.9

To explore whether voting by mail in local elections might increase and broaden voter participation, two knowledgeable guests from Anchorage, Jamie Heinz, Anchorage Municipal Clerk, and Joyce Anderson, LWV Anchorage board member and former member of the Anchorage Elections Commission, shared information from Anchorage's experience with their elections by mail. April Trickey, Clerk of the FNSB, and Dani Snyder, City Clerk of the City of Fairbanks participated and provided local perspective. The panel was moderated by Jeremy Johnson, CEO of the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce and past  Supervisor of the Region III Elections Office in Fairbanks. 


Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

LWV of Alaska Annual Meeting

April 27, 2024  at IBEW & on Zoom
April 28, 2024 using Zoom

The State League Convention was held on Saturday, April 27, and the business meeting on Sunday, April 28.

Once again, Saturday was a hybrid convention with delegates,  members and guests meeting in person at locations in Fairbanks, Anchorage, Soldotna, Homer and Juneau while other members attended via Zoom.  We had speakers, presentations, and a democracy café discussion.  Speakers were Leah Edwards (our Liaison to LWV of the United States), Carol Beecher (Dir., AK Div. of Elections), Bruce Bothelo (campaign finance reform), Fran Ulmer (former Lt. Gov of AK), Juli Lucky (Exec. Dir., Alaskans for Better Elections), and Anchorage Youth Vote.

On Sunday, we conducted the business portion of the Convention via Zoom only. LWVTV Delegates were Jean James, Helenmarie Matesi and Joan Soutar.

Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

Program Planning for 2024 - 2025

January 20, 2024  at IBEW & on Zoom
April 16, 2024 using Zoom

LWVTV members gathered in January to discuss League guidance and goals and to make recommendation to the LWV of the United States and LWV of Alaska on League positions and priorities for the coming year. Our recommendations are then passed onto the LWVUS to be used to set national priorities and studies at the National Convention in June and to the LWV of Alaska for consideration and presentation at the LWV of Alaska Convention at the end of April.

In April, local members met online to talk about our goals,  local positions, potential studies, and to prioritize activities. The results will be presented to the local membership at our Annual Meeting in May.

Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

Cans, Bans & Fans (of the LWV)

November 11, 2023  1:00 - 3:00 PM
IBEW @ 2000 Airport Way

Members and friends gathered at the IBEW multipurpose room for great food, conversation, and a banned book quiz and trivia fun.  Fall decorations, a baked potato bar with fixings, and a host of potluck appetizers, salads, and desserts made for a special afternoon with our friends and fans of League. Special thanks to Phyllis Darrah and Diane Lyon for all the prep work, gathering books, activities, and organization.

KUAC Fall Fundraiser Phone Bank

KUAC Fall Fundraiser Phone Bank

October 22, 2023

LWVTV has a close connection with KUAC as we sponsor the broadcast of the Borough Assembly meetings and they cosponsor our candidate forums and some of our Hot Topic events. We had a full house of volunteers for the Fall Fundraiser event. It was a fun and easy way to spend a couple of hours with other League members for a good cause. 

Citizenship Celebration

Citizenship Celebration

October 20, 2023

LWVTV has a long-standing tradition of signing up newly naturalized U.S. citizens.  For years we did this at the official national Immigration Service ceremony in Fairbanks.  

Beginning with the pandemic and with continued federal budget constraints, the Immigration Service no longer conducts naturalization ceremonies in Fairbanks.

To fill the gap for the last three years, the Literacy Council has scheduled a citizenship celebration for newly naturalized  Fairbanks residents. These are smaller but no less meaningful occasions. The Literacy Council invites us each year to offer the new citizens an opportunity to register to vote,

Municipal Candidate Forum - FNSB Assembly / FNSB School Board

FNSB Assembly / FNSB School Board

Friday, SEPT. 22  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

In-person at FNSB Assembly Chambers.

Broadcast live on KUAC-FM 89.9

CLICK HERE to listen to a RECORDING of the FORUM.

Brought to you by the League of Women Voters of Tanana Valley, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and KUAC-FM 89.9. Thanks to the FNSB for room and technical support.

LWVTV Registers Young Voters at West Valley HS

LWVTV Registers Young Voters at West Valley HS

September 21, 2023

Several LWVTV members were on hand at West Valley High School on the day that students held their candidate forum featuring FNSB School District School Board candidates. This is a nice opportunity to meet young people who are dipping their toes into civic engagement and support Vote Local.

LWVTV Helps with ESSA Tally

LWVTV Helps with FEA and ESSA Tallies

August 31 & September 9, 2023

LWVTV members supported the Fairbanks Education Association and the Education Support Staff Association with their recent contract ratification tallies. Members were on hand to count ballots and provide nonpartisan support for the Associations' votes.

LWVTV On-Hand to Register Voters at Teacher Professional Development Days

LWVTV On-Hand to Register Voters at Teacher Professional Development Days

Aug. 11 & Sept. 1, 2023 

New registrations, changing addresses, upcoming election day information, Division of Elections info - LWVTV members provided current and new educators with what they need to keep voting.

First Summer Social

Book Group

August 2023 - July 2024


  • AUG - No Meeting
  • SEPT - The Train to Chrystal City by Jan Jarboe Russell
  • OCT - Profiles in Ignorance:  How American Politicians Got Dumb and Dumber by Andy Borowitz
  • NOV - The Big Myth:  How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
  • DEC - No Meeting


  • JAN - The Women They Could Not Silence by Kate Moore
  • FEB - Dark Money:  The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Meyer
  • MAR - Eisenhower:  The White House Years by Jim Newton
  • APR - Being Heumann:  An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist by Judith Heumann
  • JUNE - Factfulness:  Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World and Why Things Are Better Than You Think by Hans Rosling AND Let American Be America Again by Langston Hughes and Select Books
  • JULY - Freakonomics:  A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
First Summer Social

First Summer Social

Sunday, July 23, 1:00 - 4:00 PM 2023

The grill was hot, the side dishes were delicious, the weather was great, and there were no mosquitoes. About a third of our membership showed up to socialize and just have fun. It was great!!  Thanks to Mary and Ramon Galvan for spearheading this event.  If you missed it this year, don't miss it next year. We even got a new member!

Golden Days Street Fair


JULY 15, 2023

A Fairbanks tradition since 1952, we jumped in to host an informational tent with all-things-voting. We want to support our community and showcase the League's nonpartisan support of our democracy at all levels. LWVTV volunteers staffed the tent from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm and shared information all day.

Midnight Sun Festival


June 22, 2023 
Downtown Fairbanks

About 30,000 folks enjoy the Midnight Sun Festival and LWVTV was there, too. It was our first time hosting a tent at this event and we got a lot of traffic with our info on registering to vote, help changing addresses, how ranked choice voting works and dates on upcoming elections.

Juneteenth Freedom Day

Juneteenth Freedom Day

Saturday, June 17, 12:00 to 4:00 PM
Allridge Park

A gorgeous day celebrating Juneteenth. Members Shari George, Bernardo Hernandez, Ellen Mannion and Linda Witt were there enjoying the community support, music, food and fun. We talked to participants, registered voters and provided information on running for office and voting in Alaska.

LWVTV Annual Meeting

LWVTV Annual Meeting

May 20, 2023

We held our Annual Meeting at the IBEW Meeting Room and on Zoom. We reviewed our local positions, updated bylaws, set priorities for the coming year, adopted a budget and elected officers for the new year. We were also treated to a fascinating and humerous presentation by James Brooks of the Alaska Beacon. 

LWVAK Annual Convention

LWVAK Annual Convention 

April 22-23, 2023

The Convention was held in-person at sites in each local area and online. We heard from Dr. Turner (LWVUS), Leah Edwards (AK's liaison to LWVUS), Anton McParland (Mary Pertola staff member), and Sen. Murkowski. We hosted a panel on overcoming obstacles for voting in Alaska. 

During the business sessions, the group retained all current Alaska positions, but voted to revise/update campaign finance, election processes and energy. 

We adopted a state study on civics education and endorsed a study on gun safety. LWVAK's emphasis areas are: election policy and procedures, ranked choice voting, reproductive rights, gun safety and judicial selection and retention. 

We updated bylaws, adopted per member payment  and the proposed 2023-24 budget. Officers for the coming year were elected.

Hot Topics Forum: Mining in Our Backyard

Hot Topics Forum: Mining in Our Backyard 

March 3, 2023 
Schaible Aud. UAF and broadcast live by KUAC-FM 89.9

Fairbanks has long been a mining center of the Interior from the days of the original gold panners to our large-scale modern, mechanized operations. What is the impact of mining on our local economy and our daily lives? Join us for a discussion of the role of modern mining exploration and operations in our borough.

Speakers included representatives from the Alaska Mining Association, the Institute of Social and Economic Research, UAA, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, the Fairbanks North Star Borough Planning Department, Save Our Domes, and Advocates for Safe Alaska Highways.

Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Tanana Valley, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, and KUAC-FM.

CLICK to listen to a recording of the forum.

CLICK HERE for a PDF document of the audience questions. 

2023 LWV Program Planning and Annual Meetings LWVTV Program Planning

2023 LWV Program Planning and Annual Meetings
LWVTV Program Planning

January 13 & February 8, 2023

Program Planning recommendations to the LWV of Alaska for 2023 - 24 were decided during the January gathering and forwarded to the LWVAK. In February we focused on priorities for the Tanana Valley local League that would be discussed and voted on at the LWVTV Annual Meeting in May.

© Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. 
P.O. Box 71974, Fairbanks, Alaska, 99707, United States 

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